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            Search The Internet Movie Database

    I use IMDb all the time to find movie reviews, info on people in the "biz," etc. Enter the name of a movie, TV show, or person and then click "Go" to get more information about it/them from


    Search provided by The Internet Movie Database.

    History News Network
    Publishes articles by historians about current events. It's edited by Richard Shenkman, an investigative reporter and author. Views expressed run the gamut from west of liberal to east of conservative. An interesting feature is "On Other Sites" whch lists (and links to) recent articles published in the media about history and current events.
    A guide to museum-quality fine art on the Internet, this site has compiled an index of every artist represented at 1200 arts sites on the Web and includes links to about 100,000 works. If you're looking for particular artworks or for information about specific artists, try artcyclopedia.

    Bitpipe Inc.
    Syndicates content about information technology from over 3,500 vendors and top analyst firms including Gartner, IDC, Aberdeen Group, Meta Group, and Yankee Group. Press releases, white papers, etc. are easily searchable.

    A comprehensive science-specific search engine by Elsevier Science, a leading international publisher of scientific information. Some of the sources charge a bundle for articles, but there's free stuff, too.

    The infoplease online collection of almanacs, an atlas, dictionary and encyclopedia is part of Family Education Network, owner of the Information Please Almanac product line. Useful as a basic reference.

    Information Please
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    Find and buy books and all sorts of junk at The selection and service on used books from hundreds of sources is terrific--a good way to save some bucks on books for researching some arcane topic.

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